Sunday, August 22, 2010

Katie's Update

I'm failing miserably.
As soon as we moved here Naomi got faster in her crawling and started pulling herself up with the help of everything and everyone around her. So, that meant no going to the fitness center.
And the only way to get into the park without a car is to walk down this narrow road completely surrounded by trees with no sidewalks and then go off roading through some woods. Also out of the question. So... exercise has been tough. My new plan is to buy a video once we figure out the budget.
Eating. This also depends on how we set up the budget. It turns out everything here is significantly more expensive than Utah. So I've basically just cut down on portions and snacks. Oh! And I did indeed cut out ice cream! (I just eat the low calorie fudge bars. I count this as an improvement) Also, my tolerance for candy has decreased. It now makes me a little ill. I think pregnancy did this to me. Except with chocolate. So, I need to be careful about that.
Mental health. I read Pride & Prejudice! And I loved it! My next book to read is "Jane Eyre" but I'm sort of holding off because I needed a break from the super proper English.
This is harder than I hoped it'd be.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Allie so far...

So, I've maybe failed a little.  See, we moved our mattress into our front room because it's so hot in our room.  And so I don't have room to work out...  So, besides some long walks, I haven't really.  Oops :).  But, I' have been eating better I think.  I'm doing this thing called Baby Led Weaning.  Basically, Savannah eats what we eat.  Which means we have to eat healthy...  So, we've had more fruits and veggies.  And I've drank more water lately, but not enough.  I hope that next time I post I won't have to be so ashamed :).