Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Maybe Katie quit because it had been 8 months since anyone posted anything... :).  Good job us.  And I'd like to second the complaint of pregnancy changing body shape.  I don't weigh a whole lot more than I did pre-pregnancy, but I sure look different.  I feel like I gave up my cuteness to Savannah which is probably okay.  So, I didn't exercise yesterday because my entire body was SO sore from the day before.  Plus, it's hard to be motivated when I get home at like 5:30 and just want to relax.  But, I'm going to make myself work again today. As far as exercise ideas go, I don't really have many since I use the Wii, but you could probably Google a ton of ideas.  For what it's worth, Wiis are cheaper than ever (like $150 plus $30 for the game I recommend) now because an HD one is coming out soon, but I know that's still a big purchase.

I'm thinking I should purchase a double stroller or something so I can take Savannah and Emry for walks, but getting Savannah to want to sit in a stroller is a struggle to say the least.  She just wants to "walk, walk, walk!" but when she does walk she stops all the time so it's enjoyable, but not super exerting...


Melissa said...

Thought on the stroller, if Savannah hates to ride. Of course, I don't really know, but some people have those strollers where the baby rides in the front and the toddler stands or sits/ rides in the back. I know one person who has it and they like it. I of course do not have it and if I did, I still would not be able to give you any insight. Link This of course is the first random link that showed what I was talking about. I have zero other suggestions. :) (Maybe Wii's will still be cheap around Christmas? I might be able to convince Ry then.)

Allison said...

Wiis will be cheap forever because they're coming out with an HD Wii so the current one is reduced. The sit-and-stand is a good idea but getting Savannah to stand still as I push isn't likely. She's an independent little thing :).

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