Thursday, October 4, 2012

Yay Cathryn!

Yay Cathryn!  You've done so good!  I totally know how you feel about the closet full of clothing thing...  I have like no clothes left, but it seems wasteful to buy new ones...  My exercising has not been so great.  I had really good intentions I swear.  But, Saturday we were gone all day, Sunday, um, I failed for some reason I forget now, Monday I went on a long walk with both girls (yay!) Tuesday I was unbelievably exhausted, Wednesday I was babysitting, and today I am once again unbelievably exhausted.  This two kids thing is kicking my butt.  At this point, I'm barely functioning.  Lily has stopped napping during the day for longer than like 15 minutes the past few days.  Obviously this isn't okay and I'm working on it, but it means no nap for me.  She's up until 10:30 or 11 each night, Savannah usually either wakes up crying once or climbs in bed with us and kicks me non stop as she sleeps until I wake up fully and carry her back to bed, and then Lily is awake between 6 or 7.  If she wakes up at 6, she falls back asleep by 7 and I try to sleep until Corey leaves at 8.  I know that doesn't sound terrible, but apparently I need enormous amounts of sleep, especially when I'm ebf.

I'm thinking full on work outs might not happen a whole lot, but I'm going to try for more walks.  And, walks involve me pushing a lot of weight (stroller=27 lbs, Savannah=28 lbs, carseat=9 lbs, Lily=9 lbs) for a grand total of 83 pounds!  Once Lily gets a little bigger we can ditch her carseat, but still, hills are quite a workout with that thing.

My eating is not so good.  I'm exhausted and drinking Dr. Pepper to stay awake which is bad plus it's easier to eat junk when I'm tired, but I'm trying to make an effort to eat healthier.  Well, besides the fact I'm making a cheesecake on Saturday.


Cathryn said...

Um, oh my gosh. Walking with a stroller sounds like a freaking bench press! Holy cow! I'm SO sorry Lily's not sleeping well...there is nothing that makes me feel like a crazy person faster than a baby who doesn't sleep. :( Fingers crossed that she snaps out of it ASAP!

Have you tried Fitocracy (.com)? It's fun. A friend from back in the day (at the writing center) talked me in to it. It's like a combination between facebook and a video game for exercise. You put in your workout (or whatever active things you do) and you get points for it. You gain levels and badges and there's quests and's more fun than it sounds, promise :) It's cool because you get points for even little things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or doing a few crunches (LOTS of points for crunches!), so it's really motivating. When I enter in my jogs, it asks for the distance and the time, and it calculates how many points I get based on how fast I went. Very motivating to run faster. :) Anyway, you should think about trying it. We can be workout buddies in more detail there!

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