Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Too Long, sorry

So, I've adopted a little bit of a new perspective, which really is kind of a duh one, so you guys may already do this, but I'm finding this perspective is very helpful (and simple).  I think the first step to being healthy (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually) is to like yourself and appreciate your body for what it is (an amazing instrument and gift given to us by Heavenly Father so that we can become like him).  I've found that it leads to wanting to take care of myself for good reasons, which has been infinitely helpful.

That being said, pregnancy does do a number on your body.  Mine is no longer the same size or shape (although the same weight, my post- and pre- baby weight are the same, so I'm not thinking that means much).  And like Cathryn, clothes fitting = not so much.  Too bad we don't all live in the same neighborhoods or we could be work out and walking buddies and it would be fun.

Exercise = on and off, though our health insurance has been helping.  To keep cheap premiums, we have to take 600,000 steps in a year (not that much), but they sent us a booklet with our pedometers and we make sure we take at least 5,000 (considered splitting point between sedentary and low activity) steps a day and try to at least get to 10,000 (splitting point between somewhat active and active).  It definitely has given a bit more motivation, not to mention that we're a little competitive and always comparing steps (that may not be the healthiest thing all the time).  It works better when we're a team and both do things together to get steps.  So, if you're looking for a suggestion, a pedometer may be helpful if you set goals to how many steps you want to take (it's helped me some).  There are also conversions for other kinds of exercise, like 10 minutes of moderate exercise (most exercise videos, biking, things that do get your heart rate up but maybe aren't the hardest thing in the world) are equivalent to 1,000 steps and strenuous exercise is 2,000 steps in 10 minutes. It's kind of fun to keep track.

Sorry, I've been very wordy, no idea why.  So, that's all great what I said, but what other suggestions do you guys have?  I've found that I do the same things and I get a little 'boredom burn-out', if I can call it that.  The Wii would be good, but we don't have one (yet, someday, I hope).  Things that can be done inside or outside are preferred.

Oh, and now I will set up a goal (all in the same post, sorry)
Exercise: 45 min. 3 times a week + daily walks
Eating: More vegetables and more water and less sugar
Mental: Give myself a break when I don't get EVERYTHING done (who does get everything done anyway, right?)


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