Sunday, July 25, 2010

Katie's Goals

Ok. So I'm moving this week so they aren't going to start until I'm all unpacked and settled in Wisconsin.

Exercise: I'll have access to a fitness center and be right by a park so I hope to do some form of exercise every weekday. Whether it be working out in the gym or taking Naomi for long walks in the park. I'll probably start at 20 minutes and try and work my way into longer increments. (I'm so out of shape).

Eating: Ok. You guys know I'm picky. I'll start with eating an apple every day and some other fruit. Probably grapes. And I'll try to eat vegetables. Maybe a green salad with minimal dressing? Even that would be an improvement. Or maybe I'll get one of those juice drinks that have vegetable servings but taste like fruit. :) Any suggestions on vegetables I might like??

Fluids: I'm terrible at drinking water. So... more of that. And no soda or sugary drinks. Not even at social events or restaurants.

Mental Health: I won't have cable in Wisconsin so that's an extra help. But while Naomi's napping or playing I will not be on the internet all the time. Instead I will read one of the "classics" that I bought when I was pregnant (as I have a lot), work on my crafts, or look through my recipes to make something new for dinner. Something more productive than what I've been doing with that free time.

Sorry guys, I'm a chatter.

Note: I forgot to write my big goal. I plan on being at least ten pounds lighter by Christmas. This will bring me to pre-wedding weight (I think. I don't have a scale). But that's only 2 lbs a month so I think that's pretty doable.


Cathryn said...

I'm so jealous you'll have a fitness center! How fun! As far as the fruits & veggies thing goes...about the only ones I'm getting these days are apples. Haha. Easy, though, because I know I like them & they're cheap, so I think you're on to something! And hey, Scott has this juice drink he really likes that seems like it's pretty good for you--I think it's called V8 Splash Light. It's got a full serving of vegetables & a full serving of fruit in every glass, & it's pretty tasty (it tastes like fruit juice, not like v8!). We like to get the Light kind so that there's no added sugar. We can usually find it cheapest at Walmart...they have it there for like $2.70 a bottle, I think.

Allison said...

We have a fitness center too, but I don't know how to incorporate an impatient baby into the equation. Is that really how you spell equation? It looks so wrong to me. Ah, I need school or something, I'm getting dumber by the minute!

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